Thursday, September 1, 2011


I find introductions on the internet can feel very impersonal if done incorrectly. They can come off as snobbish, vague, high and mighty, or some other disastrous adjective. So, I want to keep mine as short and to the point as I possibly can.

That being said...hi.

This is actually my third blog attempt (I never really caught on before), but I'm determined to try my best with this one. I'll be talking about books I read recently, or maybe even movies if I feel so inclined. I'll do my best to update weekly, but given that I'm a brand new college student, I wouldn't hold myself to that promise.

Now, I feel like explaining the name of my blog. I'm not going to lie; I am a HUGE daydreamer, even in situations where it's more important to remain focused. I love fantasy, mainly for the reason that it takes me away to another place, another world where I can be the best version of myself, or even someone completely different. This may sound a little philosophical or just plain silly, but I feel dreams aspire to be reality for the dreamer, and that's why people are willing to get pulled into them so easily, and never look back.

That's just a little thought of mine. Hopefully I won't be all somber and mystical all the time on here. Well, for those who did read, thank you very much! I hope to see you again!

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